Monday, July 18, 2016

Kitab Article III Sections 6 and 7 Dances and Songs

Article III. The Dulangan Manobo and their Cultural Practices

Section 6. Dances of the Tribe

(1) Atang–A man shows his bravery through dance
(2) Kemboye–A man pounding rice or corn so that they will not get tired of what they are doing [This part seems incomplete.—Bloggger]
(3) Adal Uwak–The tribe imitates the dance of crows
(4) Lambeg Dagat–Music of the tribe produced from bamboo
(5) Adal Kinuta–A dance for a gathering of datus
(6) Adal Dilayaw–A woman shows this kind of dance to the datu. If she is liked, the dowry will be plenty. [This part seems incomplete.—Bloggger]
(7) Petpet–A dance or music to entertain the audience during occasions

Section 7. Songs of the Tribe

(1) Anggung–A courtship song of women and men for the person that they like or love
(2) Uwan–A song to attract viewers and listeners
(3) Tondil–A sign that a binusaya is a brave person
(4) Kabayan–A song during occasions
(5) Belenalo–The history of Dulangan Suboy, for listeners to enjoy
(6) Wanin–A song of an evil person to make himself invisible to his enemies
(7) Linambingan–A song of the tribe to fight for their land
(8) Telake–A song inherited from ancestors about their history, both good and bad
(9) Senggek–A song to entertain listeners and viewers during occasions and celebrations
(10) Delawet–A mourning song of a woman for the dead

(This post is a part of a series on Kitab, the customary law of the Dulangan Manobos. See my introductory post for the list of posts containing all the sections of the law. You may also see the original Filipino version on Scribd.)

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