Monday, June 6, 2016

Kitab Preamble

We, the Dulangan Manobo tribe, as one of the indigenous peoples who recognize the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, come together to execute the Law concerning our tribe through the revitalization and strengthening of the comprehensive structure of Dulangan Manobo territorial governance as a mechanism to advance the justice system and administration of our ancestral domain.

This shall be our means to uphold the right of indigenous people to self-determination as recognized by the laws of the Republic of the Philippines and also by international treaties and conventions, such as the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the International Labor Organization Convention 169.

Through the President, we shall build a humane society geared towards common good to ensure that we and our progeny attain freedom, progress and peace under the leadership of the Vice President and other chieftains in accordance with the Kepeukit Kitab and Tegdeg, which proclaim truth, justice, love and equality. We swear to obey this Ukit.

(This post is a part of a series on Kitab, the customary law of the Dulangan Manobos. See my introductory post for the list of posts containing all the sections of the law. You may also see the original Filipino version on Scribd.)

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